"I love it! I've searched for a book that blends psychology, metaphysics and health. I'm excited to make my own rituals and spiritual practice inspired by Dan's new book."  - Thomas M.

"Fun. Profound. Ancient. Innovative. Wow!"  -  Elliot M.

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"I have enjoyed the material I've read so far! I already feel like a different person after starting the activities outlined in Chapter 1. It's helpful and useful."   -  Michael R.

"I think this is a good book for men interested in going deeper into their own process and ready to grow in their self-care, especially with spirituality."  - Kim W.


You are shifting from self-suppression to self-expression.

Men on the edge of their growth, like you, are not content to merely "cowboy up" or "man up" as the only tool to deal with your emotional life, nor let the voice of your deep self go unanswered. Do you feel that there is more in store for you beyond what life has offered you so far? Whether you have attained much in the world or are facing mounting difficulties that demand a new way of being from you, there is a growing feeling from your core that something needs to shift. Perhaps you are going through an ordeal that touches every part of your life. 

 You are facing what can no longer be denied in order to heal. 

Men at the crossroads, like you, may be experiencing loss, disruption, and increased risk in your personal or professional life. Do you have a sense that the solution is an interior quest rather than seeking from the outside? What you are facing is vital, sacred, and important. Perhaps you are going through an ordeal that touches every part of your life. The answer may be that your soul is communicating with you to resolve matters in your conscious and subconscious well-being. You may be hearing the call to explore your spirituality. 

You are ready to step into the path of spiritual well-being.

     Like other men responding to the inner call, you yearn for spirit, connection, depth, and transformation. The good news is that your willingness to answer the call is the first step to activate the shift within you, which attracts opportunities to grow and evolve. The magic of life arrives to meet your readiness. 

     The way in may be your greatest challenge to date. The benefits you can attain from spiritual self-mastery are boundless, impacting every area of your life - work, relationships, family, passions and purpose. The moment you answer the call of your spirit and start down a new path, your interior life cooperates with the universe to provide the resources, vision, applications, and energies you need to shift. You become a more balanced version of yourself. You experience and share more of yourself with skill, confidence and composure - and the whole world benefits.  You access the boundless intelligence, energy, and spirit within you that has been knocking on your door.


This book is for you who are ready to go further into your spiritual practice.

       You will discover fun, meaningful, and useful approaches to connect your soul with the soul of the world, through study, ritual, nature, holistic practices, and spiritual self-care. You will feel the changes as you step forward into your spiritual journey, and through study and practice will make magic happen!

   Evolve through a series of teachings to unmask the powerful secrets men carry. In these exercises you purify the unconscious elements that have stood guard over your creativity, feelings, desires, and vitality. You resolve barriers and unlock energy, energy you can use to fuel your dreams.

Enjoy greater access to your emotional depth and internal energy.     Use this book to hone skills to address your inner game and psyche, confront negative patterns and stumbling blocks in your thinking and habits, and shift from the inside out. Reduce stress, negativity, and pain. Dive in and free up the internal hostage and prisoner - your shadow, and your light. Renegotiate the system you carry inside you, and create a mindset that best serves you, your relationships, your mission, and  your world.

THE SEVEN SECRETS OF MEN'S SPIRITUALITY is a journey of self-care and inner growth. It leads into discoveries that will shift your experience and create positive flow in all areas of your life. 

Enjoy this book, THE SEVEN SECRETS OF MEN'S SPIRITUALITY, by author and educator Dan Gorbunow. You will benefit and learn from his many years of holistic healing philosophy and practice, as well as his deep roots in indigenous ceremony, comparative religion, mythology and Jungian psychology. 

Dan has helped thousands of people to access their spirit and improve their self-care practices, through programs in mental health hospitals, residential treatment centers, transition groups in prisons, community resources centers, faith-based programs, schools, and other venues.

"I wish every group I attended was like Dan's healing circle. I get a lot out of it, it's my favorite part of the program. I am interested in everything he talks about."  - Jorge G.

"I have seen people walk out of the warrior healing circle at the end, transformed by their experience, and with noticeable improvements including less stress, more presence, and more balanced energy as a result of the processes in the circle."  Kate C., BAPA

"I run groups attended by men of all colors and backgrounds, and interests. They all want to be in the warrior circle. They are especially interested in earning the warrior certificate. It's something that has a lot of special meaning to them."  - Etoy W., LADC

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About the Author

Dan Gorbunow is the author of books on men's spirituality and health. Dan offers Soulcare healing services and coaching programs. 

Dan has decades of professional practice in holistic health, chaplaincy, and peer-support facilitation. He brings lifelong studies in spirituality, religion, indigenous ceremonies and ways of life, martial arts and energy practices, into his writings, courses and non-profit organization's mission of service to assist addicts in recovery.

Connect with Dan:

Dan's Soulcare integrated healing services and mentoring help you to repair energy, spirit and mind through holistic and ancient medicine. at www.WarriorVox.com

 Master Coaching programs provide you personal and team tranformations through Soulcare processes and discussions. Schedule your 20-minute conversation with Dan today to learn more about the Master Coaching program options and see how these can help you reach your goals and create the transformation you are looking for, for you and your team or organization.

Spirit-based addiction recovery programs help you connect to your warrior-healer-artist, improve self-care, and transform your world. Visit or donate to Dan’s 501c3 nonprofit organization  to help addicts in recovery at  www.SevenFeathersSociety.org

Warrior Evolution podcast and video presentations and Interviews on YouTube Warrior Vox channel at www.youtube.com/channel/UC9BkV89Oi8yRsW3kP6mNV3A

Featured articles in MenTalk, the newsletter of the Twin Cities Men’s Center are available at www.tcmc.org

Dan enjoys cooking, travel, design, wildcrafting, dance, storytelling, and creating learning adventures for his family and clients.


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